Vater und Tochter untersuchen mit einer Lupe eine Blume

Legal Information

Please take note of our legal information. By accessing the CONCORDIA website, you acknowledge and agree to the terms and conditions set forth in this section and on the respective web pages.


Commercial Registry Entry
Registered name of company: CONCORDIA Swiss Health and Accident
Insurance Ltd
Number: CHE-112.992.321
Commercial register office: Lucerne

Registered name of company: CONCORDIA Insurances Ltd
Number: CHE-101.503.037
Commercial register office: Lucerne

Geographical limitation of the offer
CONCORDIA Swiss Health and Accident Insurance Ltd and CONCORDIA Insurances Ltd (hereinafter referred to as CONCORDIA) offer health and accident insurance as well as life insurance in Switzerland and in the Principality of Liechtenstein. The insurance products that are offered are targeted only to persons residing or staying in the legally defined area of activity.

Confidentiality of information
The World Wide Web is a publicly accessible system. If you choose to disclose personal information to CONCORDIA via the Internet, you do so entirely of your own free will and at your own risk. Such information could be lost at any time or intercepted by unauthorised third parties.

The content of the CONCORDIA website has been created and maintained to the best of our knowledge and belief. However, neither CONCORDIA nor its employees can assume liability for the accuracy, validity, timeliness or completeness of any information or data made available on the pages of this website. The same applies to content on other websites to which we may refer within our internet presence. The content on this website is subject to continuous revision. When revising, CONCORDIA reserves the right to amend, extend, or withdraw any of its web pages if necessary.

CONCORDIA is not liable for any loss or damage whatsoever, including direct and indirect damages, arising from, arising out of, or in connection with the use of the CONCORDIA website by with the user or third parties. This disclaimer of liability applies in particular to defects and errors of any kind, such as temporary breakdowns, data loss and viruses as well as the misuse (i.e. viewing, copying, tampering, exploiting, etc.) of data and information by third parties.

The recommendations that CONCORDIA provides, or that certain third-party providers provide through CONCORDIA, in the context of health advice (e.g. Health Compass, Beobachter-Ratgeber, CONCORDIA magazine) are non-binding, and implementing these recommendations is voluntary and at your own risk. The medical responsibility for diagnosis, therapy and treatment lies with the doctor treating you. We recommend that you contact your doctor for the purpose of medical clarification, and the clarification of any medical issues in any case.

Liability for external links
References and links to third party websites lie beyond the scope of responsibility of CONCORDIA. No liability of any kind is assumed for such websites. Accessing or using such websites is entirely at the user's sole discretion and responsibility.


The copyrights and all other rights related to the content, photos or other data on the website belong exclusively to CONCORDIA Insurances Ltd or to any rights holders specifically named. The reproduction of any element requires the prior written consent of the copyright holder.


All offers are non-binding.

The applicable legal provisions, in particular the Swiss federal law on health insurance (KVG/LAMal), the Swiss federal law on accident insurance (UVG/LAA/LAINF) as well as the relative ordinances, the regulations, and the General, Additional and Special Insurance Terms and Conditions prevail.

For those insured persons in the Principality of Liechtenstein, the legal provisions, regulations and insurance terms and conditions that apply in the Principality of Liechtenstein prevail.


Contact address
CONCORDIA Swiss Health and Accident Insurance Ltd
Bundesplatz 15
6002 Lucerne
Telephone 041 228 01 11

The recommendations that CONCORDIA provides, or that certain third-party providers provide through CONCORDIA, in the context of health advice (e.g. Health Compass, Beobachter-Ratgeber, CONCORDIA magazine) are non-binding, and implementing these recommendations is voluntary and at your own risk. The medical responsibility for diagnosis, therapy and treatment lies with the doctor treating you. We recommend that you contact your doctor for the purpose of medical clarification, and the clarification of any medical issues in any case.