CONCORDIA, the family health insurance, offers special benefits for families
Favourable premiums and special benefits

Especially for families

As a family health insurance, CONCORDIA offers attractive premiums for children and special benefits for families, such as rooming in, family rooms after the birth, and childcare in case of illness or accident.

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For families

Special benefits – attractive premiums for children



Quick organisation to relieve the parents in case of need

No restrictions

No restrictions

Unconditional acceptance into various supplementary insurances


CONCORDIA – the family health insurance

With the supplementary insurances DIVERSAcare and DIVERSApremium, you can take advantage of contributions towards benefits such as:
  • Rooming in – you stay overnight with your children in the hospital.
  • Family room in the event of a birth – as a proud new father, you may stay overnight with the mother and child in the hospital.
  • Course for emergencies with small children – you will learn how to help your child in the event of an emergency
  • Care service for your sick or injured child

Family health insurance, with advantageous premiums for children

  • With basic insurance from CONCORDIA, the family health insurance, there is – in relation to the ordinary adult premium rate – an 88% premium discount beginning with the third child.
  • For children (up to age 15), you pay CHF 5 for NATURA, CHF 4 for DIVERSA, and only CHF 2 in monthly premiums for GENERAL Hospital Insurance, valid throughout Switzerland.
  • Beginning with the third child, the supplementary insurances DIVERSA, NATURAand Hospital Insurance are free – as long as the same supplementary insurances have been taken out for the first two children.
  • Children up to the age of 4 pay only CHF 2 per month for Dental Care Insurance. This insurance covers 50 % of the dental bill, up to CHF 500 per year.
  • TIKU/DIMA/DIMI Baby discount: Newborns benefit from free risk cover worth up to CHF 192 in the first year of insurance if they are enrolled before birth or within the first year of life. The prerequisite is a successful risk assessment.

A baby is on the way. And it is already insured.

Life begins already before birth. And so does comprehensive preventive care. For this reason, you can enrol your baby for free with CONCORDIA already during the pregnancy. That way, your child is already insured from the moment it takes that first wide-eyed look.

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