Medical Aids and Transport
Do you have any questions? We are pleased to advise you:
+41 41 228 09 94
How much does transport to the hospital via ambulance cost?
Are costs for travel to doctor and therapy appointments covered by health insurance?
Under what circumstances does CONCORDIA incur the travel costs?
In our guide «Medical Aids and Transport», you will find detailed information on issues concerning the cost assumption of patient transport.
In which cases does CONCORDIA contribute to ambulance transport?
What is remunerated by basic insurance?
How does the supplementary insurance DIVERSA contribute to the costs?
Are there other financing options?
But not all medical aids receive cost contributions from health insurance or other social insurance schemes
The Swiss Federal Law on Health Insurance (KVG/LAMal) regulates exactly which medical aids are covered by basic insurance, and which amount is covered.
If you have taken out the supplementary insurance DIVERSA of CONCORDIA, you are entitled to contributions for medical aids that are not covered by basic insurance.
If you are already receiving a retirement pension, you may receive a share in the costs for certain medical aids (such as a wheelchair or hearing aids) from the Swiss Old Age and Survivors Insurance (AHV/AVS/OASI).
If you are still of working age, disability insurance (IV/AI) participates in the cost of medical aids that are used to maintain employment or to manage everyday life independently.
The helplessness allowance is open to anyone suffering from a certain degree of helplessness, and can be used to finance the cost of medical aids. It is not based on assets and income.
In addition, you can apply for supplementary benefits to the AHV/AVS/OASI pension, and these can be used to finance medical aids. However, these are based on assets and income.
Various patient organisations offer short-term financial interim assistance in the event of financial bottlenecks.
To the costs of which medical aids does basic insurance contributes?
With which contributions does the supplementary insurance DIVERSA of CONCORDIA participate in the costs of medical aids?
How do other social insurance providers (such as the AHV/AVS/OASI or the IV/AI) contribute to the costs of medical aids?
When and how can you apply for the helplessness allowance or supplementary benefits?
Your guides:
Further information:
Personal consultation:
Give us your feedback: What experiences have you had with the CONCORDIA Health Compass? Do you have questions about using it?
What suggestions do you have for us? Or maybe you didn't find what you were looking for?
Call us on +41 41 228 09 94. Or write your message to healthcompass@concordia.ch.
We would be happy to provide further assistance.