Your health, our priority
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Living with chronic diseases

Personal Consultation

Being seriously ill means more than just undergoing a medical treatment. The barriers and challenges that you, as an affected person of a serious illness in the course of treatment, must face are often stressful and require a lot of energy.

We offer you advice tailored to your personal needs by means of a personal coach. 

Online questionnaire with point grading

Would you please fill in this questionnaire so that we can make you a personal recommendation.

How would you rate your current well-being (health-wise)?
How is your current state of health? (multiple choices possible):
How satisfied are you with your care during your course of treatment?

Our recommendation: Support from a personal coach during your course of treatment

Thank you very much for having completed this questionnaire.

Due to the results of the analysis, we recommend that you use the guidance of a personal coach for support during your course of treatment.

This coach is an independent and neutral medically trained professional. Together with him you clarify your questions about your medical treatment and learn how you can behave in certain treatment situations.

This way, you can find out:

  • how to actively participate in medical decisions
  • how to influence your treatment results in a positive manner
  • where to request help and support for managing your day-to-day life.

Can we get in touch with you for a first non-binding conversation?

Declaration of agreement for an establishment of contact

We thank you for your trust.
Your Health Compass team

Our recommendation: The Health Compass section - facts, decision-making aids, aid instruments

Do you currently find yourself in a health situation for which you would like to receive medical information and facts regarding health and treatment topics?

Would you like to actively participate in order to reach a good treatment result?

Would you like to use aid instruments in concrete situations that bring you faster and more effectively to your treatment goal?

Would you like to benefit from various services of CONCORDIA that could be useful to you during your treatment?

In our Health Compass section, you will find important information, decision-making aids, and aid instruments related to treatment topics or disease patterns.

We would be pleased to advise you!
Your Health Compass team

Declaration of agreement for an establishment of contact
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