
Anxiety and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders

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Every human being is anxious or fearful from time to time, whether it regards the future, work or family. When anxiety overshadows everything, no longer disappears, and becomes a burden, an anxiety disorder may have developed. Those who have an anxiety disorder usually know that their fears exceed a normal level.

Along with anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorders (OCD) are quite common. There are different types of obsessive-compulsive disorders. Some people wash their hands constantly for fear of germs. Others always have to count or clean things. Such compulsion can become so strong that, over time, it determines the whole life. Whichever ritual any person has developed, people with obsessive-compulsive disorder are no longer able to stop it.

The causes of these disorders are not yet fully understood. Possible risk factors are:

  • Hereditary predisposition

  • Traumatic experiences in childhood

  • Tragic events, such as the loss of a loved one

  • Consequence of another disease – such as depression

  • Ongoing stress, mental overload and mental underload

Genetic, biological and psychological factors probably play a role. If stressful life events then occur, they can trigger the disease.

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Further information:

Generic medicine: search function
(available in German, French and Italian)
There are several ways to better grasp control of anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorders over time. A treatment is quite possible and is always put together tailored to your individual requirements. The sooner a treatment starts, the better. The basic patterns of these diseases can be recognised with the help of a therapist. The symptoms can also be alleviated by means of medication, so that coping with everyday life independently is possible.

The following treatment methods are available and can be used individually or in combination:

  • Psychological and psychotherapeutic treatments

  • Relaxation techniques

  • Medication from conventional and complementary medicine

  • Self-help measures: sports and exercise, meaningful daily structure, exchange with others affected

These therapeutic approaches may help in some situations but not in others. Likewise, the duration of the therapies cannot be predicted. For each affected person, therefore, the appropriate combination of therapies must first be found – this, of course, under medical supervision.

The objectives of these treatment are:

  • To alleviate the symptoms so that normal everyday life is possible again

  • To shorten the duration of discomfort and limitations

  • To promote a conscientious adherence to therapy sessions and medication by the affected person

Especially with new prescriptions of medication, the purchase of generic medication instead of original drugs is possible. Ask your doctor! This way, you can personally save on deductibles.

Your guides:

Your checklists:

Generic medicine: search function
(available in German, French and Italian)

Medication brochure 
to print out (PDF)
(available in German and French)
The sooner the treatment starts, the more likely it is that success will be achieved. These are the key aspects of aftercare:
  • Talk to people around you about your illness, if you want to. It can be liberating to talk openly about the disorder with persons close to you.

  • Take your medication as prescribed. Do not make any changes to the medication yourself, but discuss this with your doctor. Attend the prescribed psychotherapy sessions conscientiously, even if you see an improvement.

  • Keep a mood journal.

  • Try to structure your day as well as possible. Maintain social contacts – take responsibility for yourself and others. Maintain hobbies.

  • Get out in the open air as often as possible and go out among people.

  • You save on costs if you choose generics and purchase your medication via a mail order pharmacy. Ask the doctor treating you for generic medication, especially when the doctor writes a new prescription.

  • Living with a chronic illness requires very good self-management in order to be able to successfully master the various challenges in everyday life. concordiaCoach can support you in finding good solutions.

  • In the event of the onset of new clinical symptoms and ailments, make use of counselling or medical support. Do not keep your pain to yourself.

Your guides:

Further information:


Generic medicine: search function
(available in German, French and Italian)

Medication brochure 
to print out (PDF)
(available in German and French)

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