Gästeversicherung - Kranken- und Unfallversicherung für ausländischen Besuch
Insurance cover for foreign guests

Health and accident insurance for visitors from abroad

Whether for summer holiday or travel in the snowy winter months – having visitors from abroad is something special and must be well planned. To ensure your guests receive a Schengen visa for the duration of their stay, they need proof that the costs of illness and accident as well as repatriation in the event of an emergency would be covered. With insurance cover for foreign guests, you protect your visitors against high costs.

Schützt Ihre Gäste vor hohen Kosten

Protects your guests
against high costs


Dient als Bestätigung für Schengen-Visum

Serves as confirmation
for a Schengen visa


Deckt Reisekosten bei vorzeitigem Reiseabbruch

Covers travel costs
in the event travel
must be ended


Cover for illness and accident

If your guests get sick during their stay in Switzerland or have an accident, this can entail high costs. Since foreign health insurance systems do not always cover the costs of recovery and hospital stays in Switzerland in these cases, it is worthwhile to have insurance cover for the duration of the stay. Health and accident insurance for foreign guests offers you exactly this protection and is even required in many cases to obtain a visa.

To find the best insurance solution for your visitors from abroad, we would be happy to advise you in a personal consultation.


Confirmation for visa

The policy for insurance cover for visitors from abroad serves as the confirmation for insurance to apply for a Schengen visa. If the responsible authorities reject the visa application, you will be reimbursed the premium paid less a processing fee of at least CHF 50.

What should you do in the event of a claim?

If your guest has to claim benefits of the insurance, you just have to submit the invoices using the following button. The reimbursement is not paid to the doctor or hospital, instead its directly transferred to the person who took out the insurance.

Further information on insurance for guests

The insurance carrier for insurance for guests is Europäische Reiseversicherung ERV.